Six Restorative Practice Habits in Healthcare

Restorative Practice at Work: Six habits for improving relationships in healthcare settings Published in September 2023, available here:, or your preferred bookstore. Download the book flyer here. The Restorative Thinking team began a restorative practice pathway with University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) in 2021. This pathway involves over 80 managers […]
Funded Training Course for schools

Restorative Thinking’s e-Learning CPD course, ‘Fostering Restorative Practice in Schools‘, alongside targeted support with our team, has been assured for DfE grant-funded Senior Mental Health Lead training. The training will help to develop your whole school or college approach to mental health and well-being. State-funded schools and colleges in England can apply for a DfE […]
E-Learning CPD for the Workplace

This CPD course is an introduction to restorative practice, with a focus on: Introducing restorative practice principles and skills; Exploring how to draw on restorative practice at work; Improving relationships and communication to support a better way of working within and between teams; Strategies for positive mental health and well-being; taking care of ourselves and […]
Restorative Thinking e-Learning CPD for Schools

We have developed four new e-Learning CPD courses with Headteachers, SLT, teachers and pupils at primary, secondary and special schools to help introduce/consolidate restorative practice in school settings. Please download our flyer here. The courses are constructed to align with your achievement and improvement agenda. This could be: Building positive mental health and wellbeing as […]
Restorative Thinking’s primary programme awarded Teach Primary Resource Award

Restorative Thinking’s primary programme awarded Teach Primary Resource Award Restorative Thinking: A Restorative Practice Curriculum Programme, Written by Teachers, for Teachers (KS1 & KS2) empowers pupils with key life skills in restorative practice. Delivered over half a term as part of the PSHE curriculum, the programme gives pupils the skills, knowledge and understanding to draw […]
Elizabeth Fry Approved Premises deliver ‘Restorative Life Skills’ intervention programme

Elizabeth Fry Approved Premises deliver ‘Restorative Life Skills’ intervention programme Six programme facilitators at Elizabeth Fry Approved Premises have been trained to deliver our ‘Restorative Life Skills’ programme. The programme is currently delivered with all residents. Comments from facilitators: “It is really good to see how all the material covered in each session is coming […]
‘Restorative Life Skills’ programme at HMP Humber

‘Restorative Life Skills’ programme at HMP Humber HMP Humber contacted us in January 2020 with an interest in restorative practice training and in-house delivery of our ‘Restorative Life Skills’ programme. We delivered staff training in Spring 2020 and also trained experienced group programme facilitators to deliver our ‘Restorative Life Skills’ programme. The programme is being […]
‘Restorative Thinking at Work’ e-Learning CPD

‘Restorative Thinking at Work’ e-Learning CPD We know that organising rotas to schedule high quality face to face training is challenging at this time. So we’ve created a learning system that enables you to provide high quality and meaningful training for your staff remotely, at their convenience. To help the retention of new knowledge and understanding, […]