Liverpool City Council restorative practice school pilot

Liverpool City Council restorative practice school pilot Restorative Thinking Limited ran a two-year pilot with primary, secondary and special schools in Liverpool (from April 2015) to introduce and embed whole school restorative practice as a means of improving behaviour. The project has been evaluated by Restorative Thinking and Liverpool City Council, based on data and feedback […]
DfE research into effective anti-bullying strategies

DfE research into effective anti-bullying strategies As restorative practice partner with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, Restorative Thinking supports awareness-raising of the impact restorative practice can have on both preventative and reactionary anti-bullying strategies. This research report from the DfE highlights qualitative research to understand anti-bullying practices some schools have found effective. These include approaches to tackling […]
‘Restorative Thinking at Work’ e-Learning CPD

‘Restorative Thinking at Work’ e-Learning CPD We know that organising rotas to schedule high quality face to face training is challenging at this time. So we’ve created a learning system that enables you to provide high quality and meaningful training for your staff remotely, at their convenience. To help the retention of new knowledge and understanding, […]