Six Restorative Practice Habits in Healthcare

Restorative Practice at Work: Six habits for improving relationships in healthcare settings Published in September 2023, available here:, or your preferred bookstore. Download the book flyer here. The Restorative Thinking team began a restorative practice pathway with University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) in 2021. This pathway involves over 80 managers […]
Funded Training Course for schools

Restorative Thinking’s e-Learning CPD course, ‘Fostering Restorative Practice in Schools‘, alongside targeted support with our team, has been assured for DfE grant-funded Senior Mental Health Lead training. The training will help to develop your whole school or college approach to mental health and well-being. State-funded schools and colleges in England can apply for a DfE […]
E-Learning CPD for the Workplace

This CPD course is an introduction to restorative practice, with a focus on: Introducing restorative practice principles and skills; Exploring how to draw on restorative practice at work; Improving relationships and communication to support a better way of working within and between teams; Strategies for positive mental health and well-being; taking care of ourselves and […]
Restorative Thinking e-Learning CPD for Schools

We have developed four new e-Learning CPD courses with Headteachers, SLT, teachers and pupils at primary, secondary and special schools to help introduce/consolidate restorative practice in school settings. Please download our flyer here. The courses are constructed to align with your achievement and improvement agenda. This could be: Building positive mental health and wellbeing as […]